O NEALS CA 93645-9706

Heavenly Hills Ranch

Cream Legbars
Cream Legbars

Cream Legbars

Legbars come in a variety of stunning colors, including Cream, Gold, Opal, and White, each adding its own charm to your flock.

About The Breed

The goal of the Cream Legbar was to develop a blue egg-laying chicken that was auto-sexing (the gender of the chicks can be determined by their coloring as soon as they hatch). Male chicks will have a pale dot on the head and will have little to no eye streaks. Female chicks will have a dark brown to black stripe that starts on top of the head and extends down the length of the body.

Cream Legbars Auto-sexing
Auto-Sexing Cream Legbars (source: chickneggs.com)

Cream Legbars, a.k.a Crested Cream Legbars, are recognizable by the tuft of feathers on top of their heads and their single comb, which can either stand straight up or flop over to the side. Legbars do well in cold and hot climates, are lightweight, active and great foragers. Their quiet nature makes them ideal for urban or suburban settings where noise might be a concern.


Cream Legbars typically begin laying between 5 to 6 months of age. Once they start, you can expect around 150-200 beautiful, medium-sized eggs per year. The hens tend to take a break from laying eggs in winter. Egg color ranges from sky blue to light green.


Cream Legbars are generally known for being friendly, calm, and human-friendly birds, making them a great addition to any backyard flock.


Clutch size ranges from 10 to 12 eggs. Cream legbar chicks usually hatch after about 21 days of incubation.

Life Expectancy

The average lifespan of a Cream Legbar is about 5 to 7 years.