O NEALS CA 93645-9706

Heavenly Hills Ranch - Silkies Bred to APA and ABA Standards

Show Girl Silkie
Light Chocolate Showgirl

Silkie Bantam Chickens

Our Silkies are available in White, Black, Buff, Blue and Splash. Whether Show Girls, Bearded, or Satin, all come from show-quality bloodlines bred to APA and ABA standards.

About The Breed

Silkies are a Chinese breed of chicken named for its atypically fluffy plumage. The breed has several other unusual qualities, such as black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot. Silkies have a friendly, calm personality that make them amazing pets, especially for homes with young children. Silkies lay around 120 small eggs per year, are great mothers, and integrate well with other breeds.

Silkie Feathers

Silkies do not have typical feathers, lacking barbicels which are the hooks to hold the feathers in. This is what gives them their poofy look, but makes them poor flyers and susceptiple to cold, especially if wet. Low perches and protection from the elements are appropriate. If your Silkies get significantly wet, towel or blow drying may be necessary.